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Decision № 20 of the Eurasian Economic Commission Council

Name and Surname: Anel Rakhimova

Date: 26.01.2018

Word count: 440

Research Task One: Primary Legislative Acts

  • Document:

  • Act: Decision № 20 of the Eurasian Economic Commission Council

  • Institution: Commission Council

  • Title: “О некоторых вопросах принятия таможенными органами документов об оценке соответствия требованиям технических регламентов Евразийского экономического союза”

  • Commentary:

The custom code of the Eurasian Economic Union is common for all member- states. Complying with measures of technical regulations of the products imported into or among the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) decided to add several changes to the Union’s customs code.The Decision № 20, which I will discuss further, deals with the further work on the common registry of the products that meet the technical requirements of the member states and more integration in this process.

This common registration, being completed, will enable all custom boards of member states to access the necessary information about the products and as a result to perform custom operations much faster. The availability of a common registry Sometimes a non-member state of the EEU (or third state, as stated in the act), that has trade regulations with one country and meets its technical requirements has to meet the technical regulations of another member state as well. The producers or any other third state representatives had to establish regulations with every member state separately and to pay more debt and spent more time. This, in turn, hampers the free flow of products across the common customs territory. Therefore, in trade with third countries, as mentioned in the Decision №20, the Union applies common measures of the technical regulation and registers them in a common registry. The custom board of any of the member states must accept the documents confirming that the product meets the technical requirements of another member- state of the Union.

Until joining of all the information and completion of the process, the Decision №20 enables the customs bodies of member states to access the documents about the compliance of the goods with the technical requirements of the Union from the national parts of database. The notable thing is that the product does not necessarily need to comply with the technical regulations of the member state to cross the border, but of the Eurasian Economic Union’ s requirements that are common to five member states. This gives a significant power to the Union over the state custom policies. By allowing the Union custom code to control the flow of products, services, people and capital it makes the Union a supranational body.

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