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Decision "On extension of the anti-dumping measure on graphite electrodes originating in India

Name and Surname: Zhannur Issayev

Date: 25.01.18

Word count: 454

Research Task One: Primary Legislative Acts

  • Document:

  • Act: The decision of the College of the Eurasian Economic Commission #183

  • Institution: College of the Eurasian Economic Commission

  • Title: “On extension of the anti-dumping measure on graphite electrodes originating in India and imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union”

  • Commentary:

On the 19th of December 2017, the College (Collegium) of the Eurasian Economic Commission has decided to prolong the duration of anti-dumping measures on graphite electrodes imported from India till October 2018 when the additional investigation by Department for Internal Market Defense will be completed (College of the Eurasian Economic Commission 2017). The graphite electrodes are extensively used in steel production industries. The original document that put the anti-dumping measures was adopted in 2012 (Decision #288) and was based on the first anti-dumping investigation (College of the Eurasian Economic Commission 2012). The 2012 investigation by the Department for Internal Market Defense found that the imports of graphite electrodes from India increased by 308.1% in the period from 2007 to 2010, whilst the internal production of graphite electrodes in the Customs Union decreased by 41.7% in the same period. Moreover, the investigation notes that the main producers and consumers of graphite electrodes are located mainly in Russia, in addition to smaller consumers in Kazakhstan (Department for Internal Market Defense 2012). The Collegium decided to apply anti-dumping procedures on specific types of graphite electrodes. Individual import taxes were imposed on Indian producers: for goods produced by HEG LIMITED - 16.04%, and 32.83% for other companies’ products (College of the Eurasian Economic Commission 2012).

Department for Internal Market Defense stated in its notice on the initiation of the new investigation that the previous anti-dumping measures were partially effective: while in the period from 2013 to 2016 the average prices (including import tariffs) for Indian graphite electrodes were higher than the average prices for locally produced electrodes, starting from 2016 average prices (including import tariffs) for Indian electrodes were lower than the prices for local electrodes (Department for Internal Market Defense 2017). Initial complaint to the Commission was filed by the Russian graphite electrode producer JSC “Energoprom” (ОАО «Энергопром»).

It should also be noted that the European Commission imposed similar anti-dumping duties on Indian made graphite electrodes: import tariffs ranging from 7% to 9.4%. The latest investigation was conducted in 2017 and it extended anti-dumping measures till 2022 (European Commission 2017).

Moreover, in 2015, India itself imposed anti-dumping measures against similar graphite electrodes originating in China (Department Of Commerce 2014).

In conclusion, it could be stated that the decision process followed previously procedures established in the Agreement on Eurasian Economic Union and it aimed to protect internal producers and consumers. Similar anti-dumping duties were previously adopted by European Commission.


College of the Eurasian Economic Commission. 2017. On extension of the an anti-dumping measure on graphite electrodes originating in India and imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. Accessed January 26, 2018.

—. 2012. On imposition of an anti-dumping measure in the form of an antidumping duty on graphite electrodes originating in India and imported into the single customs territory of the Customs Union. Accessed January 26, 2018.

Department for Internal Market Defense. 2017. Notice of initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of graphite electrodes originating in India. Accessed January 26, 2018.

—. 2012. Report on the results of the anti-dumping investigation on graphite electrodes produced and imported into the Customs Union from India . Accessed January 26, 2018.

Department Of Commerce. 2014. Graphite Electrodes of all diameters originating in or exported from China PR. Accessed January 26, 2018.

European Commission. 2017. Case history Graphite electrode systems. Accessed January 26, 2018.

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